10 ways to manage stress at work

Organising tasks and setting clear priorities can help manage work-related stress.

Personalising your workspace with plants, calming colours, and meaningful items can contribute to a more soothing environment. Keeping your desk organised and clutter-free also helps.

Taking short breaks throughout the day, even for a few minutes, can refresh your mind and help you stay focused and productive.

Whether it’s a brisk walk during lunchtime or a quick workout at the gym after work, physical activities are natural mood boosters.

When stress levels surge, deep breathing can be a quick and effective way to regain composure.

Building and nurturing positive relationships with colleagues can create a supportive and enjoyable work environment.

Engaging in open communication, offering help when needed, and fostering a sense of teamwork can reduce workplace tensions and alleviate stress.

It is crucial to separate work life from personal life. Establishing clear boundaries between the two can prevent work-related stress from seeping into your personal time.

Seek support when work stress overwhelms you. Talk to friends, family, or a counsellor for valuable insights and coping strategies.

Cultivate gratitude to shift focus from negatives to positives. Daily reflection on even small things you’re grateful for can bring more positivity into your work life.