9 healthy snacks to satisfy late-night cravings

Milk and cereal. This breakfast dish is an excellent choice for those late-night cravings. It helps you to fall asleep.

A cup of cottage cheese with fresh raspberries makes a fantastic late-night snack. Lean protein in cottage cheese boosts serotonin, allowing you to sleep better at night.

If you crave for something salty, try Edamame. It is fantastic as it causes muscle relaxation and induces sleep.

It may seem strange to eat cheese at night, but it helps as it contains calcium, melatonin, protein, and tryptophan.

A small handful of almonds or walnuts can provide a satisfying crunch and a dose of healthy fats and protein. These nuts also contain magnesium, which can promote relaxation and support better sleep.

Grapes are another good option for a bedtime snack because they contain melatonin, which help fall asleep quickly.

Eggs are high in protein and tryptophan, making them an excellent snack for before bed.

For those who crave something sweet, choose a small piece of dark chocolate. It contains antioxidants and can satisfy your sweet tooth without excessive sugar.

Opt for calming herbal teas like chamomile or peppermint. Herbal teas can soothe the senses and promote relaxation, making them an excellent choice before bedtime.