Chandra Namaskar:

Yoga asana to calm you body & mind this summer

Chandra Namaskar was created to honour the moon and its energy.

Compared to Surya Namaskar, Chandra Namaskar is considered to be a more gentle and calming practice.

It helps to balance the sun’s extreme heat and fiery energy by harmonising with lunar energy.

Chandra Namaskar consists of a sequence of yoga postures that are performed in a flowing manner.

It is considered beneficial for summers due to its cooling and calming effects on the body and mind.

Chandra Namaskar focuses on deep breathing and stretching.

This helps to calm the mind, reduce anxiety and stress levels.

It also results in greater sleep quality.

The practice involves both standing and seated poses, which help to improve flexibility and strength in the hips, legs, back, and core muscles.

The practice also involves twisting poses that are known to aid in digestion and encourage the flow of energy in the body.

Chandra Namaskar is said to help balance the hormones in the body, particularly in women.

The practice can help regulate the menstrual cycle and ease symptoms of PMS.

It works best in the evening, around sunset.