Mozzarella cheese is a good source of biotin and is low in sodium and calories than other forms of cheese. Since it is water-soluble, the body does not store it.

Blue cheese is prepared from cow, goat, or sheep’s milk and is high in calcium. Include it in your diet to help avoid bone problems.

Feta cheese contains friendly bacteria that promotes immune and intestinal health, in addition to their anti-inflammatory properties.

Cottage cheese is higher in protein than other cheeses and is frequently suggested for weight loss since it makes you feel fuller for longer and reduce overall calories intake.

Ricotta, a creamy textured cheese, is often described as a lighter version of cottage cheese. It is easily absorbed by the body and known to promote muscle growth, help lower blood pressure, and reduce high cholesterol levels.

Parmesan is a hard, aged cheese that has a gritty texture and a salty, nutty flavour. It promotes bone health.

Swiss cheese is lower in sodium than most other cheeses and is good for the people with high blood pressure.

Cheddar contains vitamin K2, a substance that keeps calcium from accumulating in your arteries and veins. Getting enough vitamin K2 may lower your chance of developing heart disease.

Goat cheese has less lactose than cow’s milk cheeses and contains proteins that aid digestion.