Cyclone Biparjoy: Stay safe with these dos and don’t’s

Avoid going near low-lying beaches with high tides.

Keep monitoring the warnings. Rely only on official sources with verified authority. 

Fix loose tiles and tighten the hinges on doors and windows 

Remove any loose branches or trees nearby.

Keep all smartphones and power banks fully charged so that you don’t run out of battery in case of a power cut.

Store important documents in waterproof bags or containers in a safe place.

Keep an emergency kit handy with essential items including medicines and food for kids and elders.

Stock up on plenty of non-perishable food and safely stored water.

If the cyclone makes landfall near you, shut all doors and windows.

Turn off all electricity and gas supplies.

Drink chlorinated or boiled water to prevent infection.

Watch out for broken electric poles, wires, and other sharp objects.

Stay away from buildings with cracks.