Decor ideas to keep your house fresh and lively in the rains

To add a splash of colour to your decor this monsoon, choose vibrant cushions that feature yellow, orange, and blue.

Bring in some greenery to your living room. Indoor plants not only add a refreshing touch but also purify the air and create a more breathable environment.

Purchase dirt trappers with a high absorbency. Darker colours that hide muck and filth can keep your home looking nice while still fulfilling the job.

A few scented candles can help you fight the odour that comes with the rains. Choose aesthetically pleasing varieties that are visually appealing along with giving a touch of warmth to your home.

Switch to lightweight, quick-dry curtains made from synthetic materials. Not only will they dry faster after rain showers, but they’ll also allow more natural light to brighten up your rooms.

Take care of wooden furniture. Rainy weather causes wood to expand, which can alter the shape of doors and furniture.

Consider hanging indoor hammocks in locations such as the living room or a covered terrace. They keep furniture elevated from the floor, minimising contact with any potential dampness.

Create a rainy-day reading nook in a cosy corner of your home. Place a plush chair or a cushioned bench near a window with a view.

Hang paintings or prints depicting rain showers, lush green landscapes, or rainbows to embrace the beauty of the season. Such artwork can add a sense of calm and tranquillity to your living spaces.