Does belly fat make you bald?

Hair Scare

There is an indirect link between belly fat and hair loss.

The people with excess belly fat can be suffering from insulin resistance leading to hair loss.

The hormone known as an insulin-like growth factor (IGF), which behaves like insulin, is the reason behind it.

When your insulin levels are not good, the IGF does not work properly, and it results in stunted hair growth.

Excess belly fat also increases dihydrotestosterone (DHT), leading to hair loss by shrinking follicles.

Obesity is also directly linked to stress.

Premature male and female pattern baldness in youngsters is caused because of oxidative stress.

A poor diet and way of living can make it worse.

Obesity can lead to diabetes, which can cause hair loss by reducing blood circulation and depriving hair of proper nutrition.

Extensive research has shown that heart diseases contribute to hair loss, and obesity causes heart diseases.

Eating a diet high in iron and biotin to strengthen the hair and maintaining a healthy weight could help.

Additionally, you should avoid experimenting too much with hair to prevent hair loss.

Eating a diet high in iron and biotin to strengthen the hair and maintaining a healthy weight could help.