International Yoga Day 2023: 8 yoga poses FOR BEGINNERS

It is a beginner’s asana which opens the heart. This helps boost energy and prepare the body for intense yoga flows.

Standing Backbend Pose

It is a beautiful head-shoulder-hips twisting practice that improves the abdominal, hip and thigh muscles.

Standing Side Stretch

Tree Pose is a balancing asana that strengthens and tones the leg muscles, ankles and feet as well as the groin, inner thigh.

Tree Pose

This pose is a great warm-up to your yoga session.

Cat-Cow Pose

It is a basic yoga pose that stretches the hamstrings, calves, and spine while strengthening the arms and shoulders.

Downward Facing Dog

This is a wonderful yoga pose that stretches the front of the hip while strengthening the lower body.

Low Lunge Pose

Commonly found in sun salutations, this pose helps improve posture by countering the effects of prolonged sitting through backbends.

Cobra Pose

Chair Pose is a fairly challenging standing yoga pose, which tests many different parts of body at once. It requires you to balance while building strength in the lower half of your body.

Chair Pose