Love  Handles  Be Gone:  9 exercises  to shape your waist

Russian twists play a significant role in reducing love handles. Sit on the floor, knees bent, and twist your torso from side to side, holding a weight.

Russian Twists

Lie on your back, knees bent, and alternate bringing opposite elbow to knee, to get rid of the excess fat stored around the love handles.

Bicycle Crunches

It is an efficient love handle workout that targets the muscles along your sides. Hold the position for 30 seconds on each side.

Side Planks

Stand tall with a dumbbell in one hand, bend sideways to the opposite side, and repeat on both sides.

Side Bends

Get into a push-up position and bring one knee towards your chest, alternating between legs. Mountain climbers aid in fat loss and toning.

Mountain Climbers

This exercise contributes to a more sculpted and defined waistline. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands behind your head. Crunch to one side, then the other.

Standing Oblique Crunches

Plank hip dips engage the oblique muscles and lower back, specifically targeting the love handle area. Get into a forearm plank position and dip your hips from side to side.

Plank Hip Dips

Bicycle leg lifts engage the core and hip muscles promoting more toned midsection. Lie on your back, legs extended, and lift your legs off the ground, pedalling as if riding a bicycle.

Bicycle Leg Lifts

It’s a perfect exercise for a toned waistline. Lie on your side and lift your top leg as high as comfortable, then switch sides.

Side Leg Raises