Mango Mania

Why eating too many mangoes could harm your health

Eating too many mangoes can be harmful to your body.

Bloating, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, ulcers, and indigestion are all possible side effects.

Mangoes contain a high amount of fibre, and excess consumption of fibrous fruits can cause diarrhoea.

Despite being rich in nutrients and essential vitamins, mangoes also contain fructose, a type of carbohydrate that can cause a spike in blood sugar levels.

Being high in calories, mangoes can also cause weight gain for some people.

Around 150 calories are present in a medium-sized mango.

Mangoes may also trigger latex allergy, which affect the corners of the mouth, lips and tip of the tongue.

These allergies could lead to itchiness, and redness in the skin and in severe cases might also cause breathing problems.

Experts advise soaking mangoes in water for at least two hours before consuming to minimise pesticide and artificial ripening concerns.

It is also better to consume mangoes as a snack rather than having it with a meal.