Monsoon Sniffles? 10 home remedies to keep cough and cold at bay

Drinking tea brewed with ginger, clove, and mint has been proven to protect against a variety of infections.

Honey is well-known for its natural healing abilities. It can relieve coughing and soothe a sore throat. Drink a teaspoon of honey in warm water or herbal tea two-three times per day.

Turmeric contains curcumin, a compound with strong antibacterial properties. Mix half a teaspoon of turmeric powder in warm milk and drink it before bedtime to ease throat irritation.

Steam helps ease nasal congestion and coughing. Fill a large bowl halfway with water, lean over it, and cover your head with a cloth to trap the steam.

Garlic has natural antiviral and antibiotic properties that can help boost the immune system. Chew on a raw garlic clove or add it to your meals for added benefits.

Warm soups, particularly chicken soup, help relieve congestion and inflammation. They also aid in the body’s hydration and nutrition, along with keeping the body hydrated and nourished.

Gargling with warm saltwater helps in relieving throat pain and irritation. Mix half a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water and gargle several times a day.

Drink plenty of warm fluids like herbal teas, warm water with lemon, or clear broths. Staying hydrated helps thin mucus and prevents dehydration.

Incorporate vitamin C-rich foods like oranges, lemons, guavas, and bell peppers into your diet. Vitamin C helps boost the immune system and aids in recovery.

Get enough rest to aid your body’s healing process. Rest helps your immune system to function properly and fight off the virus.