Oh Damp!  10 ways to reduce high humidity at home

It is a good idea to install an air conditioner to reduce humidity. It removes warm air and replaces it with cool air, which naturally reduces humidity.

Make sure to use ventilation fans while cooking, using the geyser, or indulging in other activities that produce heat. Exhaust fans increase airflow and decrease humidity.

Open the windows to allow the flow of fresh air. It’s a simple trick that we tend to forget.

Purchase a dehumidifier, which will remove moisture from the air, keeping the house dry and cool.

Leaky pipes and faucets make the home moist, leading to humidity. Make sure that they are repaired.

Consider drying your laundry outside. Wet clothes, when dried indoors, add to the humidity.

House plants release moisture into the air. So, if you have too many, move some outside.

The use of charcoal may sound odd, but it helps in dehumidifying your home. It sucks the moisture out of the air.

When cooking, use a lid to keep the pots covered. This will keep vapour from escaping.

Carpets are infamous for storing a lot of moisture. Avoid using them in humid weather.