Period pain? Avoiding these 10 foods may help

Avoid adding too much salt to your meals, it causes water retention and bloating.

Stay away from heavily processed foods high in sodium. They contribute to inflammation and exacerbate period pain.

Eating too much of sugar also results in a surge of energy followed by a slump. This may worsen your mood.

Caffeine can intensify cramps. Excessive tea and coffee leads to constrict blood vessels and increases muscle tension.

Avoid alcohol; it can dehydrate you and further worsen headaches and bloating.

Spicy food may upset your stomach. It is best to avoid them during periods.

Red meat is high in prostaglandins and should be avoided during menstruation.

Refined grain foods, such as white bread, white rice, and sugary cereals, can increase blood sugar and inflammation, increasing the pain.

If you have food sensitivities, avoid particular foods, especially around your period.