Tooth Trouble? These are the foods to avoid

Sour candy contains more acids that are harder on your teeth.

Sour candy

After chewing, the bread becomes a gooey paste-like material that sticks to the spaces between teeth, causing cavities.


Alcohol dries out your mouth. A dry mouth lacks saliva, which is essential to keep teeth healthy.


Drinking large quantities of carbonated soda also damages teeth. It enable plaque to produce more acid to attack tooth enamel.

Carbonated drinks

Chewing ice is not a good idea. It makes you vulnerable to dental crises such as chipped, cracked, or broken teeth or loose crowns.


Acids from the citrus fruits also erode enamel, making teeth more vulnerable to decay.

Citrus fruits

The starch in potato chips turns into sugar, sticks to teeth, and feeds plaque bacteria.

Potato chips

Dried fruits quickly stick to the teeth and fissures, leaving sugar behind.

Dried fruit