Top 10 fruits that will keep you hydrated this summer

Summers are synonymous with watermelons. The fruit contains 92% of water

Lychee promotes blood circulation in the body and is great for a glowing skin

The king of all fruits, mango is rich in vitamins and proteins 

Nothing can beat an apple. It is one of the fruits that can be eaten in all seasons 

Pineapples are a great source of Vitamin C and can help keep the body cool

A rich source of dietary fiber, apricots can improve your digestion and increase metabolism

Papaya contains high levels of antioxidants that helps the body to lose some of its heat

Peach is considered as a stress-relieving fruit and is also known to fight cardiovascular diseases

Believe it or not, this tiny fruit contains 91% water

Think of summers, think of cucumbers. All that water in cucumber will keep you hydrated